[Notice] The notice of the participation of Music video file site of SE7EN new album title song.


Hello everyone, this is an official announcement from the representative of YG Entertainment.


The notice for the participation of Music video film site of SE7EN new album title song

at January 14th.

Person who send to e-mail ( for participation, check it the list.


If you can’t arrive until list confirmation time, January 14th (Sat) 7 PM,

can be a disadvantage for entrance. Please be on time.


Please read the following.



Filming Guide

- Date : 2012 January 14th (Sat) 7:30 PM ~ 10 PM

- Venue : AX-KOREA (Gwang-na-ru station of line 5, Gwangjang-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul)

            Site Link : AX-KOREA

 (Filming schedule plan to start at 7:30 PM to 10 PM.

  Please understand that the time is changeable depends on the circumstance)

The natural of Music video film site, finish time can be delayed than scheduled time.

All participants can’t leave during the filming, please apply who can eligible to participate.

The filming is planning to be an outdoor, make sure to wear warm clothes for cold weather.


Participation Information

- Meeting Place : Front gate of AX-KOREA

- STAFF arrival time : 6:30 PM

- Time of list confirmation : 7 PM



In order to filming, please be prepared to SE7EN light stick

   and other individual cheer tool (banner, slogan etc..)

- SE7EN light sitck will be sold at the venue (Price : 7,000 won)

  If you want to buy the goods, please have the correct money)



1. Official LUCKYSE7EN 5th Members

- ID with one’s own photo (Passport of Certification of alien registration)

- Domestic/Overseas LUCKYSE7EN 5th Membership Card


2. Non-members

- ID with one’s own photo (Passport of Certification of alien registration)

- SE7EN Mini Album [Digital Bounce] CD



Participation List



Participation Notice

- All participants can′t leave during the filming. Please remind again.
- Don’ t playing person’s behavior at filming site,

  please be followed well conducting of Fan Staff.

- Any photo taken or video recording is not permitted.

  If we see any of those, can be receive a disadvantage.

- SE7EN official fan club LUCKYSE7EN 5th take priority to enter,

  and then non-member list will be enter.

- Check it your number of the list, please arrive about 30 minutes ahead of list confirm time,

  stand a line numerical order.
- Please note that can be disadvantaged if you don′t stay a line numerical order

  at list confirming time.
- Person who did not bring right preparations and not apply in advance,

  will not allow to entrance.

- Please note that the number of person or time could be changeable depends on

  the circumstance at the venue.



Please interests and participations.


Thank you


- This announcement is from YG Entertainment and you are not allowed do add yourself

  to the neither credits nor edit the credit.

- We do not have any eligibility from the damage that caused from the edited 

