[Notice] Voter Information for 2NE1 on World Music Awards !!



Hello, this is YG ENTERTAINMENT.


This is an announcement for those participating the voting for 2NE1 on World Music Awards.


2NE1 has currently been selected as a nominee for this global music awards, World Music Awards.


The World Music Awards is an awards ceremony given to artists all around the world and

also an event that was established in 1989.

This will be aired throughout 160 countries including territories like US, Asia and Europe.


Since 2NE1 has been nominated for this global music awards, we ask for your keen attention

and active voting participations in order for them to achieve good result!


(The voting will be proceeded until the day re-fixed for the 23rd World Music Awards

due to the delay owing to local circumstances beyond control.)


Please refer to the details at below.



◆ Voter Information ◆
1. How To Vote
- Make a shortcut to the official website ->
- After logging-in to the website, the vote will be completed only by clicking the artist’s image

  without any sort of other process.
- Smooth voting progress is practicable if you make an access to the web-page through Chrome.
- Voting is only possible for one time per category.


2. Nominee
- World’s Best Group : 2NE1
Click ‘VOTE’ section -> CLICK ‘World’s Best Group’ ! -> CLICK the image of 2NE1!

- World’s Best Live Act : 2NE1
Click ‘VOTE’ section -> CLICK ‘World’s Best Live Act’ ! -> CLICK the image of 2NE1!


We ask for your keen attention and support!!


Thank you.

