[Notice] Mnet <Kingdom: Legendary War> 2nd Round Global and Video View Count Evaluations


Hello iKONIC!

The global evaluation and video view count evaluation for the 2nd round of featuring iKON will finally begin!

Please enjoy iKON’s 2nd round performance of reinterpreted in iKON’s unique color and participate the evaluations!

Please check below for detailed information regarding the evaluations.

♦ 2nd Round Global Evaluation (Reflects 40% of total) ♦

▶Schedule : 4/29/2021(THU) 10 PM(KST) ~ 5/2/2021(SUN) 11:59 PM (KST)

▶Channel : Eligible to vote after downloading and signing in to the Whosfan App(3 votes per account)

* iOS :

* Android :

♦ 2nd Round Video View Count Evaluation (Reflects 10% of total) ♦

▶2nd Round 4th Performance Evaluation Schedule :
  4/22/2021(THU) 10 PM(KST) ~ 4/25/2021(SUN) 11:59 PM (KST)

▶2nd Round 5th Performance Evaluation Schedule :
  4/29/2021(THU) 10 PM(KST) ~ 5/2/2021(SUN) 11:59 PM (KST)

▶Channel : YouTube Mnet K-POP Channel (


- The Video View Count Evaluation will only reflect the view count of the ‘Full-Version Performance Video’ uploaded on the Mnet K-POP channel on YouTube. 

- All ‘Full-Version Performance Video’ clips will be uploaded after the airing of the show, and the views accounted for the evaluations will be aggregated during the same period, for all videos uploaded on the same week.

We look forward to your continuous interest and participation, iKONIC. :)

Thank you.
